Thursday, May 24, 2018

Paris Fun

What a wonderful day we’ve had today!  It started with a move to a new hotel.  With the end of the cruise we needed to move to a new location as the cruise hotel did not have any availability for us.

Our “travel agent” - Adi, moved us to an historic hotel in the St. Germain area which puts us within walking distance of practically everything.  It is an 18th century hotel.  The ceiling of the room has timbers on it.  The walls are covered with cloth which matches the curtains and the bedspread.  Ιτ’s just lovely.

Next we went to lunch at a Michelin star restaurant called Benoit.  (Stephen’s suggestion to take in a Michelin Star restaurant.)
We have never had such food.  My soup starter was some sort cold pea soup that was amazing.  Mike had Foix Gras - a French delicacy. I followed with a black pudding, which was some sort of beef that had been shaped into a pudding with spices.  Just wonderful.  Mike had the best desert - profiteroles dipped in hot fudge.  I had a sponge cake soak in liquor with whippped cream.  We haven’t eaten anything since lunch and I doubt we will eat  ever again... or at least not until morning.

We completed the day with about six hours at the Louvre.  We rented Nintendo English tour pacs and took the masterpieces tour which was delightful.  Yes, we saw the Mona Lisa.  It was not nearly as impressive as was the Coronation of Napoleon.  After the tour we sought out the two Vermeers, thinking of Liz.  We also went hunting for Delacroix’s “Liberty Leading the People.”  I’m afraid we are both cripples tonight, hobbling around the room.  I’m hoping a good night’s sleep will allow us to awaken refreshed and ready to enjoy another day in Paris!
The Coronation of Napoleon

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