Tuesday, May 22, 2018

We made it to Paris as you can see!  We had friends from the cruise who took this picture.  We took a bus tour with our cruise group this morning which ended at the tower. We made our way into the park intending on going up to the second level to look out but decided we didn’t want to wait so long for a ticket.  I think the best view is from the ground anyway!  It is an amazing structure and it was fun to get close up to the see the iron works.

The highlight of the trip for me today was Notre Dame.  After seeing many beautiful cathedrals on the trip so far, I didn’t have very high expectations.  Truly the exterior of Notre Dame is amazing.  The inside is dark, but I especially liked the wooden screen that hides the choir.  I’ll include a few pictures!

I’m sorry I havent’ written more in the last week.  We had very weak internet on the cruise boat.  Mike and I finally gave up trying to post things.  We are back to having access to high speed internet again.

It occurs to me that some of you might be interested in looking at the church blog as well.  Some of what I have posted there is simply a duplicate of this blog, but some of it is different.  You can find the “other blog” at https://renew-rejoice.blogspot.com/

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