Thursday, May 17, 2018

Strasbourg, Worms and Heidelberg

We have enjoyed a couple of long and amazing days.  Tuesday, May 15, we went to Strasbourg, France.  I really had no idea what to expect and so was incredibly surprised at what a lovely city is Strasbourg!  First of all, it’s French and it was fun to be back on French speaking soil - secondly, it’s old.  There are half timbered houses that date back to the  Middle Ages (1400s and 1500s).

The Cathedral of Notre Dame and the St. Thomas churches are both Romanesque - construction started in the early ninth century (roughly 1015 and 1020 respectively.  They were 
stunning - both of them.  I preferred the style of St. Thomas which is Protestant, but the sheer size of the Cathedral of Notre Dame is overwhelming. The other joy of Strasbourg was the food!  We picked up the most amazing gingerbread, chocolate caramel eggs and macaroons in the afternoon.

Today, Wednesday, was the trip to Worms and Heidelberg.  Our guide figured out early on that several of us were interested in Reformation history and so walked us through the big event in Worms - Martin Luther’s refusal to recant his writings and teachings.  Luther had already been excommunicated by the Pope, but was called by the Emperor to give an accounting of himself at the Diet of Worms.  He was called to the Bishop’s quarters at the Cathedral in Worms and asked directly if he was willing to recount.  He actually asked for 24 hours to consider and then firmly refused.  At this point the Emperor removed all of Luther’s rights and Luther became fair game for anyone who wished to assassinate him.  Fortunately for Luther the Prince of Saxony, a supporter, had him kidnapped on the way home to hide him from enemies.  The Bishop's quarters were actually destroyed in the 17th century by the French but we got to see the place next to the Cathedral where they stood.  The picture below is of the Reformation Monument to Luther and other Reformers.  It’s built in the shape of a castle to call to mind Luther’s hymn, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.”

We also toured the city and our guide drove us up to the ruins of Heidelberg Castle which are quite stunning!

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