Saturday, May 12, 2018

We have safely arrived in Zurich!  It was quite the flight.  It started with a lovely surprise from the La Porte Session.  They had arranged for some duty free champaign and chocolate to be delivered to us.  What a great way to begin.  Unfortunately, the sleeping that was supposed to follow mostly didn’t.  Neither one of us sleep sitting up very well.

We arrived in Zurich about 10:00 AM.  That’s 2:00 AM La Porte time.  We made the connections to Viking and they brought us to the hotel.  We spent a little time getting oriented and then hopped the tram to the old city.  It’s pretty amazing - very old with small alley sized streets zigzagging up the hill and lots of very old churches.  About 7:00 PM they all decided to ring their church bells. I thought it was just a clock striking the time at first, but one by one they all began to join and rang for about 15 minutes.  It was really remarkable.  I caught a bit of it in the video above.  Not really sure why they were ringing!

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